A New Era for Fruit

For way too long, fruit has been left out of the seasoning conversation—taken at face value while everything else—meat, veggies, even popcorn—gets entire aisles of innovation.

At most? A squeeze of lime, a drizzle of honey, maybe a dash of chili (respect, Tajín)—and that’s it.

Where’s the creativity? The variety? The evolution?

That’s why Forbidden™ exists.

A first-of-its-kind fruit seasoning line—made entirely from fruit, crafted exclusively for fruit. No fillers. No sugar. Nothing extra. Just bold, unexpected flavors that finally give fruit the attention it deserves.

Welcome to a new era for fruit.

Welcome to Forbidden™

Our Debut Blend:

Original Sin

It all starts here, folks.

Our debut blend, Original Sin. She’s tangy, bright, potentially life-changing. (No promises, but like… be prepared.)

Through some culinary magic, it takes fruit up a notch—transforming it into something suspiciously similar to a certain worm-shaped, sour-gummy delicacy.

Best sprinkled on sliced apples, green grapes, mangoes, or pineapple.

It’s fun. It’s addictive. It’s actually good for you.

And the best part is: This is just the beginning.


When Can You Get It?

Hard at work over here (proof: see adorable, ridiculously accurate photo of me deep in the grind as we speak).

Very soon, you’ll be able to grab Forbidden™ online and at select markets/pop-ups. Keep an eye on our socials—we’re gettin' there!

Until then… keep hanging in there. Boring fruit builds character.